A Community of Believers on mission together bringing the city of Hickory, NC and surrounding areas an encounter with the living God!
The Vision
“cultural transformation through helping others experience wholeness through encountering Jesus Christ and being part of His family!”
The Mission
Encounter. Equip. Engage.
We want to help people Encounter God.
We will Equip the church.
We will Engage the world around us with the Gospel of Jesus in Words, Works, and Wonders.
More Fully stated:
We exist to help others Encounter God. Encounter church believes In discipleship and works to equip the church so that it may be established in Christ and manifest the heart of God in truth, love, and in the power of Holy Spirit.
As a family on mission together, we will Engage the world around us with the life transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ in words, works, and wonders.
The Values
At Encounter Church We Are:
Passionate about Truth-
Gods word is true and the foundation of all we believe and do.
Consumed by Love-
We radically Love God and Love others
Faith Filled-
We will not insult God by small faith or small thinking, but we will dream God sized dreams, Give Generously, and depend wholeheartedly on Him to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask think or imagine.
Owners - We are contributors, not consumers-
We Embrace ownership and take action.
We are Workers, not Watchers. We do not just see problems, we bring solutions.
Always Striving for Excellence-
Because God is worthy, We bring our best!
Progress not perfection
Better together -
We are a family of families doing life and serving Jesus together.
A Great Commission Church -
Making disciples that make disciples that look like Jesus.
Gospel People and Gospel Proclaimers -
The Gospel brings Real Transformation, not hype and gimmicks.